A Picture Postcard

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

broken record hayden

more presents?

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Friday, December 16, 2005

hello my name is autumn and i'm a photoholic

the little man who holds my heart

first day of snow - look at that excitement!


the following six pictures were taken by holding up the camera but not looking out the viewfinder kinda deal, thought they turned out kinda neat...

mom! your camera is upside down!

christmas lights

uncle jake

Thursday, December 15, 2005

a boy and his dog


the following are images from a slides/photo class i took at wayne state about three years back. i have never turned any of the slides into actual pictures, so i did what any ghetto girl would do and held some of them up with my dirty fingers and took pictures on my digital! please excuse any horrible cropping or whatever...

a small tribute to the marbles...

these pictures just really pull at the ole' heartstrings
i love you girls!

i love it! two ice creams at once!