A Picture Postcard

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

move over gene simmons

the many sides of hayden

sqeaky clean hayden
polite mind your manners hayden
dude, what? hayden
serious creative hayden

pour some sugar on me was cool & all.. but, not that cool...

the fortune says it all...

punks not dead

christmas day

seth & ei (they're so in love)
hanging w/nanny
he's reallllly into christmas ...

hadybug & his never ending rainstorm of presents

kelly & grandma

aunt debbie
there the kid is again by the wine!

christmas morning

seth & eileen

oh! oh! already into the wine (notice feet off the ground)dad
(check out the tiny kid golf clubs!)

really seth? do they?

Monday, January 09, 2006

x-mas eve

kamilku, kubaku & heidihoo
even dante celebrates christmas
jake & heidi
sweet sweet grace

god, jake i got it! you don't want your picture taken. geesh!
i think everyone wishes me & my camera would just go away...

hmm oranges

Sunday, January 08, 2006

let's go bowling 12/31

Friday, January 06, 2006

birthday punk princess anna (& mary)